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*Last name
CC Email Address (Optional)
*Organization/District Name
Please list your title - Reading Specialist, Administrator, Elementary School Teacher, etc. Members may see your title in the directory if you are listed.
ZIP/Postal Code
Secondary Phone Number (Optional)
*Are you paying with a PO?
*For P.O. Payments - Name of Payroll Person (Note: if paying by credit card, please list N/A)
*For P.O. Payments - Phone Number of Payroll Person (Note: if paying by credit card please list N/A)
For P.O. Payments - Purchase Order Attachment (if available)
You can upload up to 20 files. Each file should be less than 20 MB.
*Amount ($USD)
Payment frequency

The Connecticut Reading Association, Inc. is a professional literacy organization.

Membership is open to all educators, classroom teachers, reading specialists, administrators, paraprofessionals, college/university professors and students, and anyone interested in promoting literacy.

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